Transparent refers to a clear image that can absorb the effects of any images behind it in a picture or graphic. The Computer Hope logo is displayed below with a translucent background. With each of the many colored backgrounds, the identical image appears differently. Today, almost all image editors can create translucent images. A GIF or PNG file should be used if you have problems making an image transparent. By flattening an image in the image editor or by storing the image in a different format, you can eliminate an image’s transparency like JPG or JPEG. Simple binary transparency and alpha transparency are the two methods that visual file formats utilize to allow transparent image portions. The GIF format supports simple binary transparency; one color from the indexed color palette is designated the transparent color. The PNG format supports transparency using alpha values; these values are encoded in a different channel called the alpha channel. You might want to create an invisible background for an image for various reasons. The most typical one is to design a flexible logo. When creating a logo, you want it to appear well over any color print and on every website. Having a transparent background is the most effective approach to doing that. Additionally, knowing how to make a backdrop transparent might make it simpler and more effective for you to alter an image’s various layers. A see-through object can be freely moved to create a completely other, equally professional-looking image. We will provide you with steps to make an image transparent in GIMP.
You can transparent images in GIMP by using the following steps:
1. Open GIMP on your computer.
2. Go to the File menu.
3. Click on Open in the drop-down menu.
4. Select an image to open and click Open.
5. Click on Windows at the top window.
6. A drop-down menu appears.
7. Select Dockable Dialogs near the top of the Windows drop-down menu.
8. A pop-out menu appears,
9. Click on Layers that are near the top of the Dockable Dialogs pop-out menu.
10. A small Layers window opens.
11. Click on the name of the image you would like to edit in the middle of the Layers window.
12. Click and drag the Opacity slider to the left to lower the Opacity value at the top of the window.
13. Exit the Layers window by clicking on X in the top-right corner of the Layers window.
14. Click on Image at the top of the GIMP interface.
15. A drop-down menu appears.
16. Click Flatten Image near the bottom of the Image drop-down menu to flatten the image and preserve transparency.
17. Go to the File menu.
18. Click on Export As…
19. Find the name of the file at the top of the export window.
20. Change the jpg part of the mane of the file to png.
21. Click on Export at the bottom of the window.
22. Click Export again when asked.
Your image should now be transparent.