How to trim image in GIMP

The definition of the term trim is to crop or to cut down. To remove the outer margins of a digital image, utilize the crop tool in most image editing tools. Cropping can be used to reduce an image’s size in pixels and/or alter its aspect ratio, that is, the ratio of length to width. The elimination of undesired sections from a photographic or illustrated image is referred to as trimming in the printing, design, and photography industries. Usually, trimming a photo is done to get rid of an unpleasant topic or unimportant detail, alter the image’s aspect ratio, or enhance the composition as a whole. When a camera lens cannot attain the desired magnification, images may be trimmed to enlarge the main subject and narrow the angle of view. One of the very few editing techniques that are accepted in photojournalism is image trimming. When an image is trimmed, then its pixels are eliminated. If the final image seems jagged or pixelated, you must undo the trimming process and trim less of the region. When shooting photos with greater quality, trim the image to include a larger area surrounding the subject. GIMP provides the tools you need to trim an image in GIMP. We will provide you with the steps that you can use.

You can trim images in GIMP by using the following steps:

1. Open GIMP on your computer.

2. Go to the File menu at the top of the screen to show a drop-down menu.

3. Click on Open to open a file browser that you can use to select an image.

4. Select the image in the file browser and click Open.

5. Click on the crop tool that is in GIMP with an icon that looks like two 90-degree angle rulers that form a square found on the left of the toolbar.

6. Drag a square around the part of the image you would like to keep.

7. It creates a rectangle around the image section, and the dark area outside the square is the area that will be cropped.

8. Go to the View menu bar.

9. Click on the box that is next to Show Guides to show rulers to the top and left of the image.

10. Double-click the area inside the rectangle to crop your image and remove the dark area outside the rectangle.

11. Go to the File menu at the top.

12. A drop-down menu is shown.

13. Click on Save to save the cropped version of the image.

You can also save the image as a separate file by clicking on Save As in the drop-down menu, typing the image’s name, and clicking Save. Note that you should always work on a duplicate of the image rather than the original when trimming a picture. Some picture editing tools may automatically open or save a copy of your work. If you make a mistake while editing the original image and save the photo, the modifications are irreversible.

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