How to blur in GIMP

GIMP image editing application allows you to add effects digitally, like blurring sharp images when they were taken. You can use the blur effect selectively to any part of the image to ensure specific things are blurry while keeping the sharpness of the rest of the image. It is especially helpful if you want to keep the privacy of certain images, as you can blur number plates, faces, signs, name tags, or any other identifiable object before you upload your image online. While working with GIMP, you will use blur filters to blur images or parts of them. If you have made a selection, only the selected parts of the image will be blurred. You need to learn how to use the filters effectively, and we will help you with that by providing you with steps that you can use to blur in GIMP.

You can blur the image in GIMP by using the following steps:

1. Open GIMP on your computer and load the image with the object you want to blur.

2. Click on the selection tool from the GIMP toolbox that is suitable for selecting the things in your image that you would like to blur.

3. Use the Rectangle Select tool for signs.

4. Use the Ellipse Select tool for faces.

5. Use the Free Select tool for objects with irregular shapes.

6. Click and drag your cursor over the part of the image you would like to blur.

7. Click on Filters from the menu bar.

8. Hover your cursor over Blur.

9. Select the type of blur you would like to apply from the options provided.

10. Adjust the settings for the blur type you have chosen.

11. Apply the normal Blur effect to soften the selection.

12. Apply the Gaussian blur to change the horizontal and vertical blur radius for a blurry effect.

13. Apply the Motion blur to change the blur length and angle to make the impression of movement.

14. Apply the Pixelize blur to change the height and width of the selection to make a pixelated blur distortion.

15. Click OK after you are okay with the preview to apply the blur effect to the selection.

16. Use one of the selection tools to select another area of the image and repeat the process to make more objects blurry. You can apply different blur effects like Pixelize blur to an offensive slogan and a Gaussian blur to a face.

17. Go to File.

18. Click on Export to export the image with a new file name to save the changes while keeping the original image.

The selected parts of your image will now be blurred. You can now use the blur effects on your image when you take confidential information in your images or want to keep the identity of a person captured in the image a secret. All the best as you learn more about working with GIMP!

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