How to not show 0 in Google Sheets and Excel

How to not show 0 in Google Sheets and Excel

Sometimes, the Excel or Google Sheets dataset may contain zeros. The zeros make the dataset too wordy, reducing the actual datasets’ visibility. This article will discuss ways of hiding zeros in Excel and Google Sheets. Hiding Zero in Google Sheets We shall discuss three methods of hiding or removing zeros in Google sheets: Using Find …

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How to write ½ in Google Sheets and Excel

How to write ½ in Google Sheets and Excel

If you have ever tried adding ½ in Google Sheets or Excel, you can testify that it is one of the most challenging tasks. Google Sheets does not allow one to add ½ directly in the cell. Adding it directly would conflict with the date formats. Therefore, workarounds should be involved in adding fractions in …

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How to view changes in Google Sheets and Excel

How to view changes in Google Sheets and Excel

The view changes feature allows one to track and check the changes made to any document. This feature will enable the user to review and restore the changes made to the document. This article will discuss ways to view changes made in Google Sheets and Excel documents. To view changes in Excel Here are the …

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How to alternate row colors in Google Sheets and Excel

How to alternate row colors in Google Sheets and Excel

Numerous ways are key in making the dataset presentable and eye-catching. The alternating row colors feature allows users to use different colors to Sheets rows and columns. This article will discuss workarounds and methods of adding colors to row Sheets. To alternate colors in Google Sheets Two methods that are used are: Using the Format …

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How to insert Checkbox in Google sheet and Excel

How to insert Checkbox in Google sheet and Excel

The ability to create a checkbox is one of the amazing features found in Google Sheets and Excel. Checkboxes will make it easier for the different options of a word document to be read and answered efficiently. A checkbox in Sheets documents gives you a checklist functionality. From this checklist, you can tick off items …

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How to label axis in Google Sheets and Excel

How to label axis in Google Sheets and Excel

Google Sheets and Excel contain features such as graphs and charts that help us to analyze and present data in an organized manner. Any form of the chart can have a chart title and axis titles to make it simpler to interpret. All of the axes that can be displayed in a chart can normally …

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How to insert column in Google Sheets and Excel

How to insert Column in Google Sheets and Excel

While working with Google Sheets and Excel, you may need to add a column or columns within your dataset. Many people are unaware of the workarounds involved in adding columns to your Sheet, so they delete the entire Sheet and recreate a new one with the number of columns they want. Did you know you …

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