How to add a link in a Word Document

How to add a link in a Word document

Books are known for their vast source of information. However, you cannot link a book with another book. This poses a great challenge when the writer wants to include a link in his book. However, this can be achieved by using electronic media such as Microsoft Word. In this article, we shall learn how to …

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How to add comments to a Word Document

How to add comments to a Word document

Microsoft word has many features that users can find very useful when working on their word documents. Some of these features are not known to most since they are rarely used. One such feature is adding a comment to your word document. There are various events that require you to add comments to your word …

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How to add dotted line in Word

How to add dotted line in Word

Lines are very important when working on a document in Word. There are a variety of lines available in Microsoft word. They include dotted lines, dashed lines, and solid lines. These lines normally add style to a document to emphasize information or when you add graphics to a blank space in a document. There are …

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How to add a landscape page in Word

How to add a landscape page in Word

It is important to make your Word document more presentable by managing the margins and format. By default, Word Documents usually have the portrait orientation. You can change to landscape orientation when need be. This article gives you simple ways you can use to insert a landscape page into your Word document. Steps to change …

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How to add double spacing in Word

How to add double spacing in word

Double spacing in words enables one to add information to the document and makes it easier for one to read. It also makes the document look more appealing. There are different ways to add double spaces in words. It can depend on the version of the word you are using For users with the new …

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How to add a line in Microsoft Word

How to add a line in Microsoft Word

There are different ways you can add different lines to your Word document. Lines are just a basic design element for your document. Lines, either horizontal or vertical, can divide a document and guide the flow of your text. It also helps the document be more appealing. This article gives you steps you can use …

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How to add a line break in Word

How to add a line break in word

Line breaks usually help a writer end a line and begin or continue the text in another line. It, therefore, helps to separate paragraphs in a document. This is usually convenient when writing poems or songs. A paragraph is a little bit different. It has some extra space above and below it which helps to …

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How to add a hyperlink in a Word Document

How to add a hyperlink in a Word document

A hyperlink is simply a link that one can add to a document, where the reader gets more information by tapping or clicking the link. Usually, a hyperlink shows that there is more content or information within the word document made. It typically points out to another source of information, mostly from the internet. Hyperlinks …

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How to add a right tab stop in Word

How to add a Right Tab Stop in Word

In Word, the Tab stop is usually used when spaced text is required. This feature allows the Excel user to use different alignments in a quicker and faster way. It also controls the carriage movement. This is due to its adjustable end stop feature. However, many people find it difficult to use this Word feature …

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How to add dot leaders in Word

How to add dot leaders in Word

Dot leaders in Word are simply dots that resemble periods that appear to the left of information. They are usually used in tables of contents or some tabular materials. An example of dot leaders is First paragraph………..124 Second paragraph………32 Third paragraph…………448 Word normally permits you to place dot leaders in tabular material automatically. That is …

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